Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2

This is a great replacement for those that used to use StuffIt, however it really needs a double click Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2 to extract compressed files in the finder and a contextual menu option to compress files without having to open the application itself. Most helpful. I absolutely don't Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2 the new interface Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2 damned unreadable grey icons! This Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2 the best archive utility around, and unlike others is actively supported. El Cap couldn't Buy MS Project Professional 2013 64 bit them, or appeared to, but files were corrupted. Select some files in Finder, click the BetterZip button and choose one of your presets from the drop-down menu to create an archive with these files. One for RAR and another for everything else. What format do your large archives have? The fun we have with the AppStore. You have an elegant and well designed program This latest version fixes the Quick Look generator to work with new security restrictions in macOS I would like the developer know and fix this annoying problem. BetterZip 2 can filter out extracted files similar to archive creation time cleaning. I also love the fact that I can set any type of compression RAR or 7-Zip to occur through the services via a right click. Best of the bunch and the only one that still being updated on a regular basis. Thanks for your response. If that build-in functionality satisfies your needs then why do you look at BetterZip in MacUpdate at all? Have been using this app since version 2.Buy MacItBetter BetterZip 2